• Goodnight House

    In a world swirling with chaos and emotions, it feels weird to care. A house we lived in for five years, a small Sears kit Craftsman house built in 1924, was recently torn down. It feels like a piece of my history is gone. Just like that: erased. We moved in on Valentine’s Day in…

  • A Forever Fear of Particle Board?

    Our guardian angels have been working overtime. While away one weekend this past year, visiting our middle child at college for friends and family weekend, we got a call from the fire department. They confirmed that all dogs and people had been safely evacuated from our house due to carbon monoxide gas. Everyone was okay.…

  • Just Clean It

    Just Clean It

    This post brought to you by a budget-friendly suggestion. I renovated my kitchen today. It took 3 hours. I reclaimed at least half the counter space and got rid of the most random 3 cubic feet of sh*** that was all over. It was glorious and the cost was $0 dollars.

  • What Child Is This?

    What Child Is This?

    A child that needs a whuppin’, that’s what. The other day, I casually asked this child to come here and she said…. with eyes of steel…. “Say please.”

  • What is Vintage?

    What is Vintage?

    There is slow fashion and slow design, so why not add slow aging? Something like being present in the now but with an appreciation for the past and lessons learned. The point is not to stop the process of aging, but to embrace the idea of an accumulated wisdom, and do it with style. According…